DM Adventures presents:


Subtable B: Non-magical weapons

Percentile die roll What Occurs
01-19) Slip; roll dexterity or less on 1d20, or fall, stunned for 1d4 rounds.
20-33) Stumble; roll dexterity or less on 1d20, or fall--stunned for 1d6 rounds.
34-39) Trip and fall; stunned for 1d6 rounds.
40-44) Lose balance; roll dexterity or less, or lose your attack for one round.
45-49) Lose grip on weapon. Roll dexterity or less, or lose your attack for one round.
50-54) Lose grip on weapon. Roll dexterity or less or your weapon falls from your grasp. Lose one attack while you retrieve weapon.
55-59) Lose grip on weapon and drop it. Lose two rounds retrieving it.
60-61) Shield (if one used; otherwise a piece of armor) becomes entangled with opponent causing both combatants to lose their balance and fall to the ground.
62-63) Shield (if used; otherwise, a piece of armor) splits; rendered useless.
64-65) Weapon becomes entangled with opponent; neither attacks for one round while you try to disentangle yourselves.
66-69) Weapon is knocked away; roll 1d8 for direction, roll 1d10 for distance in feet.
70-74) Weapon breaks.
75-77) Hit self; take half damage.
78-79) Hit self; normal damage.
80) Hit self; double damage.
81-83) Hit friend; 1/2 damage.
84-85) Hit friend; normal damage.
86) Hit friend; double damage.
87-88) Critical hit, self.
89-90) Critical hit, friend.
91-92) Twist ankle; movement at 1/2 speed for 1 turn. Roll Dexterity or less or fall to ground.
93-95) Helmet (if worn; otherwise, a piece of armor) slips; roll dexterity to fix helm (or armor); no further attacks until helmet (or armor) is repaired.
93-95) Helmet (if worn; otherwise, a piece of armor) slips; roll dexterity to fix helm (or armor); no further attacks until helmet (or armor) is repaired.
96) Helmet (if worn; otherwise, a piece of armor) slips; roll dexterity to fix helm (or armor); "to hit" rolls are at -4 until helm (or armor) are worn correctly.
97) Bee or hornet enters helm (if worn, otherwise, enters between armor and padding/clothing. No attacks until you are rid of bug.
98) You are distracted by something in your peripheral vision. Opponent's next attack is at +3 to hit you.
99) Roll twice, ignoring rolls of 99 or 00.
00 or 100) Roll three times, ignoring rolls of 99 or 00.

Awesome flaming dragon rule I made

Last updated, March 14, 2008.   Copyright © 1998-2008 Wild4Nature.

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